Chicago EV Charger Options

Chicago EV Charger Options

Chicago EV Charger Options

Where to Buy EV Chargers Near Chicago

Discovering an EV charger in the Chicago area is made easy with several excellent options, and one standout choice is Power Midwest. As the largest and most prominent seller of EV chargers in the Midwest, they boast an extensive selection to cater to diverse needs.

Diverse Charger Options

Power Midwest specializes in installing EV chargers for both residential and commercial customers, featuring a range of chargers from reputable brands like Juicebox, ZEF, and BTC Power. Their reputation is built on delivering high-quality chargers, professional installations, and exceptional customer service.

Comprehensive Product Line

What sets Power Midwest apart is the breadth of their product line, encompassing Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 chargers. Whether seeking a basic charger for overnight home use or a high-powered option for long-distance travel, they have a solution to fit every requirement.

Expertise and Experience

With years of experience in the EV charger business, Power Midwest distinguishes itself through its knowledgeable technicians who handle installations of all sizes. They have successfully implemented EV chargers in various Chicago neighborhoods, including Wicker Park, Lincoln Park, and Lakeview, serving diverse clients such as businesses, apartment buildings, and single-family homes.

Brands and Features

For Level 2 chargers, Power Midwest offers options from renowned brands like Juicebox and ZEF. Juicebox chargers, known for their sleek design, come equipped with features like smartphone control and real-time monitoring. ZEF chargers, on the other hand, are recognized for their high power and rapid charging capabilities.

Level 3 Charging Solutions

In the realm of Level 3 chargers, Power Midwest provides diverse choices from brands like BTC Power, renowned for their high power and fast charging abilities. These chargers excel at quickly charging EVs, making them ideal for efficient long-distance travel.

In conclusion, for those in search of an EV charger in the Chicago area, Power Midwest stands out as an excellent option. Their array of chargers from reputable brands, experienced technicians, and successful installations in various Chicago neighborhoods make them the go-to choice for reliable, high-quality chargers in the Midwest.