Louisiana EV Charger Rebates

Louisiana EV Charger Rebates

Louisiana EV Charger Rebates

Best Rebates for EV Charging Louisiana

Hey there, electric vehicle (EV) enthusiasts! If you’re a Louisianan looking to switch to an electric car or just upgrade your current charger, you’re in luck. There are some great rebates available in the state to make your transition to EV even more affordable.

Louisiana Clean Fuels

First up, let’s talk about the Louisiana Clean Fuels program. They offer a rebate of up to $500 for the purchase and installation of Level 2 EV chargers for both residential and commercial use. This is a great option for those looking to install a charger at home or for businesses looking to make their charging stations more accessible for customers.


Next, there’s the New Orleans City Council’s GoElectricNOLA program. This program offers a rebate of up to $1,000 for the purchase and installation of Level 2 EV chargers for residential use in the city. This is a fantastic option for those living in New Orleans and looking to make the switch to an electric car.

Louisiana Energy and Power Authority

But that’s not all! The Louisiana Energy and Power Authority also offers a rebate of up to $1,500 for the purchase and installation of Level 2 EV chargers for commercial use. This is a great option for businesses looking to make the switch to electric cars and make their charging stations more accessible for customers.

Entergy New Orleans

And last but not least, the Entergy New Orleans has a rebate program for the purchase and installation of Level 2 EV chargers for residential and commercial use in the city. They offer a rebate of up to $500 for residential use and $1,000 for commercial use.

All of these rebates are great options for those looking to make the switch to electric cars and make the charging process more affordable. The Louisiana Clean Fuels program, GoElectricNOLA program, Louisiana Energy and Power Authority, and Entergy New Orleans program are all great options for Louisianans looking to save money on their EV charger purchase and installation.

Keep in mind that these rebates are subject to change and may have certain requirements and qualifications. Be sure to check with the individual program for more information and to see if you qualify.

“For Louisianans considering the shift to electric vehicles or upgrading chargers, numerous rebates, up to $1,500, make it feasible. Now is an opportune moment to embrace EVs, so take advantage and save on your charger installation today!”